Free Video Editor

Record and Subtitle Videos with AI

Record, edit, translate, subtitle, and dub. We’ve trained our AI algorithms to perform an entire cycle of media content creation within one tool accessible through any browser and iOS and Android mobile apps.

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Edit Videos Online with Near-Perfect Accuracy

Edit your videos with the help of sophisticated AI algorithms.

Create subtitles, add animations and catchy fonts, change their speed, and place them anywhere on the video.

Add voiceovers and dub your video online into 20+ languages with Captions’ AI speech recognition and natural language processing (NLP).

A Free Video Editor for All Types of Media Content

Educational videos

Create engaging and informative content for learning via Captions video editing tools. Perfect for teachers and trainers aiming to deliver knowledge interactively.

Marketing videos

Enhance your brand’s outreach with high-quality promotional content. Tap into Captions’ video editing features to effectively advertise your products and services.

Social media videos

Make your TikTok viral through dance challenges and comedy skits crafted with the help of Captions’ online AI script generator and a video editor

They trusted us

Captions is fantastic! The user-friendly interface, high-quality dubbing, and variety of languages make it a must-have.

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Captions is fantastic! The user-friendly interface, high-quality dubbing, and variety of languages make it a must-have. Customizable voices and quick processing are huge pluses. Reasonable pricing and great customer support too. Very loooooooooooooong teex…

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Captions is fantastic! The user-friendly interface, high-quality dubbing, and variety of languages make it a must-have. Customizable voices and quick processing are huge pluses.

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Captions is fantastic! The user-friendly interface, high-quality dubbing, and variety of languages make it a must-have.

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Captions is fantastic! The user-friendly interface, high-quality dubbing, and variety of languages make it a must-have.

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